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What is the key to hiring the right person for your business? | Invoke Recruitment

Updated: Apr 5, 2022

Hiring the right person for your business is essential to its success. It can be difficult, however, to determine what the key is to find the right candidate. Often businesses think that interviewing is one-sided. They only focus on what they want from the interviewee. However, it's important to remember that it's a two-way street. Candidates need to be able to understand why they should choose you over your competitors. In this blog post, we look at a few things you can do to appeal to high-quality talent.

💥 Be clear about who you are as a business, around your purpose, and where you are going. If you can articulate that well to the people you’re trying to attract it becomes a lot easier.

💥 Be transparent about the challenges you face and where you need to get too. Honesty goes a long way in interviews. As a business you may have been through rapid change which has led to some cultural challenges. Own it and are upfront with candidates. Talk about why it happened and what you are doing about it. 9 times out of 10, that honesty wins the day. We live in a well-connected world and its easier for candidates to generate their perception around you from external sources. Make sure it’s the right one.

💥 People are attracted to innovation, culture, and the opportunity to develop, not always by the highest paycheque. You may have the best culture in the world, but if you don't think about how to present that to candidates in a compelling way, you're missing a trick.

💥 Give your candidates your undivided attention from day one! It’s such a simple thing to say but time and time again, we hear from candidates going to interviews that interviewers have not read their CVs properly, are late, are not been briefed around what stage in the process the candidate is in, or who solely focused on what they want from the interview and thought it was a one-way street…

Some of these might sound pretty simple, but we are in a candidate-short environment. Candidates are sitting on more job offers than ever before. Help them understand the important stuff.

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